The Web Developer Boot Camp

  • Duration: 63.5 Hrs
  • Provider: Udemy
  • Course Fee:Paid
  • Course Delivery Method: Self Paced

Learn ins and outs of website development with this course. Kick start your journey as a web developer and create portfolio responsive websites and landing pages. Most popular web development course for beginners.

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What you will learn

  • The ins and outs of HTML5, CSS3, and Modern JavaScript for 2021
  • Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies
  • Create responsive, accessible, and beautiful layouts
  • Recognize and prevent common security exploits like SQL-Injection & XSS
  • Continue to learn and grow as a developer, long after the course ends
  • Create a blog application from scratch using Node, Express, and MongoDB.
  • Create a complicated yelp-like application from scratch
  • Deploy your applications and work with cloud databases
  • Create static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages
  • Think like a developer. Become an expert at Googling code questions!
  • Create complex HTML forms with validations
  • Implement full authentication from scratch!
  • Use CSS Frameworks including Bootstrap 5, Semantic UI, and Bulma
  • Implement responsive navbars on websites
  • Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
  • Write Javascript functions, and understand scope and higher order functions
  • Master the “weird” parts of JavaScript
  • Create full-stack web applications from scratch
  • Manipulate the DOM with vanilla JS
  • Write JavaScript based browser games
  • Use Postman to monitor and test APIs
  • Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
  • Write complex web apps with multiple models and data associations
  • Write a REAL application using everything in the course
  • Use Express and MongoDB to create full-stack JS applications
  • Use common JS data structures like Arrays and Objects
  • Master the command line interface
  • Use NPM to install all sorts of useful packages
  • Understand the ins and outs of HTTP requests
  • Create your own Node modules
  • Make a beautiful, responsive photographer’s portfolio page
  • Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for a startup
  • Implement user authentication
  • Create a beautifully animated todo list application
  • Create single-page applications with AJAX
  • Certificate
  • Instructors
    Colt Steele
  • Age Group
  • Difficulty Level
  • Category
    Courses in Computer Science & IT
  • SubCategory
    Software DevelopmentWebsite Development
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